Tailormade Logistics chooses for DAF and HVO
With the delivery of 25 DAF-vehicles in 2019 and the recent order of an additional 16 DAF-vehicles for distribution, the logistics company Tailormade Logistics, situated in Ghent, emphasizes the comfortable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly advantages of DAF trucks.
Tailormade Logistics was founded 24 years ago and has grown into an international logistics company, active in three core sectors: automotive, fashion (leader in the market) and flooring. The 800 employees operate from 17 different logistics platforms, spread over Belgium, France, Sweden, Italy and Luxembourg. To support their growing business and replace some of the older vehicles, Tailormade Logistics purchased 5 CF FA 4x2 340 pk and 20 XF 430 FT 430 pk last year. This was followed by the order of 16 CF FA 4x2 340 pk a few weeks ago.
Our drivers prefer DAF
“The choice for DAF is first and foremost the choice of my drivers”, as emphasized by CEO Bert Vandecaveye. “They are very satisfied with the comfort of the cabin: they have a better view on the road, the truck is more quiet and it is especially easy on the back of our drivers. An additional advantage: because they like driving with a DAF-truck, our drivers are also more careful on the road and there is much less damage to the vehicles. In terms of business economics, the technical quality of the vehicles is very good and we also see lower consumption than with the other brands.”
Economic and ecological with DAF and HVO
Vandecaveye has been looking for a way to keep the ecological footprint of logistics and transport activities as low as possible for some years now. Ten years ago, the company was a pioneer with the first use of LNG-trucks. They also strengthened the intermodal component 5 years ago by transporting more and more swap bodies by rail. “Currently HVO is the most sustainable solution,” Vandecaveye believes after thorough personal research.
This third generation biodiesel is made from waste vegetable oils and animal residual waste. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil offers enormous ecological advantages: a CO2 reduction of 89%, lower emissions of particulate matter (-33%) and nitrogen (-9%), and drives more or less 10% more economically than ordinary diesel.
That is why Tailormade Logistics invested in two HVO filling stations (in Ghent and Ghlin) with a capacity of 25.000 liters. “HVO is twice as expensive as diesel so we use it for those transport orders where the share of fuel consumption is the smallest. Think of urban distribution and the pre-transport of international assignments to railway terminals.
Thanks to the DAF-vehicles, we can drive with 100% HVO. This is done without the modification to our vehicles. These investments will help us reduce our carbon footprint by 25% by 2025.”