Logistica Automobilistica
Servizi su misura per un’industria globale e complessa
Forniamo servizi di logistica per l’industria dell’auto, uno dei più complessi settori tra tutti, a causa del crescente flusso di materiali tra continenti e le svariate strategie di fornitura utilizzate. I nostri servizi dedicati di logistica automobilistica vi permettono di concentrarvi su sfide ed opportunità.
- Centri di consolidamento in entrata specializzati
- Stoccaggio (anche per merce non ancora sdoganata) per fornitori a lunga distanza
- Reverse Logistics
- Soluzioni di (Re)Packaging , configurazione, preparazione di kit, assemblaggio (incluso l’assemblaggio ready-to-fit), collaudo, riparazione etc.
- Integrazione ininterrotta con i vostri sistemi IT, tramite link EDI, incluse previsioni e disdette
- Controlli qualità post-assemblaggio
Continuous focus on providing optimal solutions
Backed up by over 20 years’ experience with the global automotive industry, we share our expertise with you and support your efforts to continuously streamline your supply-chain. Our dedicated automotive logistics sites form the ideal basis for your unique supply-chain and distribution channels.
Improved focus on the assembly process
Most original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) require just-in-time (JIT) and/or just-in-sequence (JIS) supplies. That is exactly what we offer from our specialist inbound consolidation centres, located close to your manufacturing plant.
Managing product flows to sequencing centres and assembly plants
We provide a set of logistics services, tailored specifically to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the automotive industry. We offer you services ranging from multi-user sequencing centres in close proximity to your customers' assembly plants, to in-house warehousing solutions for the management of your internal and external product flows.
Supply-chain solutions that meet OEM requirements
Our facilities are compliant with relevant total quality management systems, and we offer seamless integration with your IT systems based on your individual needs.